Sunday, October 31, 2010

31/10/10 Happy halloween !

Yesterday at my aunt house stay one night =D shuang~
today wake up go pj eat breakfast~then go one U~
alot of ghost.. xD happy~

 after that go midvalley..hehee

then dinner at solaris mon.kiara..nice place~
menu menu~
got free temporal tatto~i choose a flower on my hand~dont know can tahan how
ate dinner then back home gao gao G..good night~


today is my family day~hehehe..aunt bought jor halloween things give we all wear~
let's c q or not.. xD

after that dinner at heritage gasoline ^^ many ghost at there..

Monday, October 25, 2010


Sing k sing k~times square~

then about 2 sing finshed~after that go shopping lor~bought jor3 shirt~
then go eat steamboat~baobao~
then go second round~genting again >.<
coz fren birthday~Hock Hou~happy birthday ner~

about 2 reached home gao gao G~

24/10/10 genting genting~

6 more wake up luu...coz go genting lerr..K.Y celebrate at there..hehehe..we go all park and play~hehee..1st we go eat thing at serdang~
the fan make my hair litat >.<

after that then start to go luu~
about 10 reach there..go the half way 1st..

after that continue~

ate jor dinner then back home lo~
about 10more reach home =)